The world’s top tech hotelsCool Tech

The world’s top tech hotels

From offering guests a top of the range Tesla to visit select areas in the city to controlling all aspects…

After flood, tourism in India’s Kerala left mud-boundDestinations

After flood, tourism in India’s Kerala left mud-bound

More than a week after the floodwater began subsiding, animal carcasses are still floating in Kerala’s backwaters, and in places…

Michoacán hosts the 5th National Fair of Mexican Pueblos MágicosTrade Show & Events

Michoacán hosts the 5th National Fair of Mexican Pueblos Mágicos

During the 43rd edition of Tianguis Turístico in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, the Undersecretary of Innovation and Tourism Development of Mexico’s Secretariat…

Nepal probe blames weeping pilot for deadly airliner crashTransport

Nepal probe blames weeping pilot for deadly airliner crash

A deadly plane crash at Nepal’s international airport was the fault of the pilot, who had been “extremely upset” and…

Air France unions press pay demands ahead of works councilTransport

Air France unions press pay demands ahead of works council

Air France-KLM’s French unions reiterated demands for a 5.1 percent pay increase yesterday without calling any immediate resumption of strike…

Toyota to invest $500 mln in Uber for self-driving cars

Toyota to invest $500 mln in Uber for self-driving cars

Toyota Motor Corp will invest $500 million in Uber Technologies Inc to jointly work on developing self-driving cars, the companies…

Hotel equipment where British tourists died is safe says Egyptian prosecutorHotels

Hotel equipment where British tourists died is safe says Egyptian prosecutor

The air conditioning system at a hotel where a British couple died in unknown circumstances while on holiday in Egypt…

Murder of Didi passenger prompts China clampdown, outrage

Murder of Didi passenger prompts China clampdown, outrage

China pledged today to tighten oversight of its transport industry and warned that the country did not need ride-hailing firms…

Ready, steady, splash! Malta celebrates historic greasy pole tournamentDestinations

Ready, steady, splash! Malta celebrates historic greasy pole tournament

A former seaside hamlet which is now one of Malta’s most modern towns is struggling to keep ancient festival alive,…

The commitment to accessible national tourism could create more than 100,000 new jobs per yearIn Depth

The commitment to accessible national tourism could create more than 100,000 new jobs per year

With the start of the holidays, 53,9% of Spaniards decide to travel and most of them (90,8%), choose to travel…