The world’s top tech hotels

The world’s top tech hotels

From offering guests a top of the range Tesla to visit select areas in the city to controlling all aspects…

What is tech tourism?

What is tech tourism?

We’ve discovered some of the top destinations for this type of tourism at the moment. But before we go any…

The advantages of travelling with mobile banking

The advantages of travelling with mobile banking

Travelling is undoubtedly one of life’s greatest pleasures: getting away from it all, discovering beautiful places, getting to know other…

4 apps to protect you from the sun this summer

4 apps to protect you from the sun this summer

The increasing use of mobile apps, chatbots and developments in AI have transformed different areas of our life, from the…

Problems with your flight? 3 apps to help you submit a claimCool Tech

Problems with your flight? 3 apps to help you submit a claim

Although passengers are protected by the law, dealing with an airline company’s customer service office can be a nightmare. To…

Virtual reality, an ever more present future in the tourism sector

Virtual reality, an ever more present future in the tourism sector

The future we imagined not so long ago is now here, and some of the solutions we’d previously only seen…

Algorithms and the future of global tourism

Algorithms and the future of global tourism

Specialists at the Forum Turis TIC, which was recently held in Barcelona, claim that within five years complex algorithms and…

Mobile apps to plan your trip

Mobile apps to plan your trip

It will soon be time for holidays, and as you begin to plan your next trip, you realise you’ve got…

Immfly: your onboard personal travel agentLIFE & STYLE

Immfly: your onboard personal travel agent

Can you imagine being able to plan your holidays comfortably from your seat on the flight and when you reach…

Let your iOS do the translating the next time you go on a trip

Let your iOS do the translating the next time you go on a trip

Speaking a different language can be a barrier when deciding on your next holiday destination and especially on business trips…