Audi A8, travel with the guarantee of the most advanced technology

Audi A8, travel with the guarantee of the most advanced technology

The German company, Audi, is back with its flagship sedan boasting the highest standards of innovation and new tech features.…

How walkable is your city? Tool aims to make pedestrians safer and happierCool Tech

How walkable is your city? Tool aims to make pedestrians safer and happier

On the congested streets of Kuala Lumpur, pedestrians usually find themselves at the bottom of the pecking order. Not uncommon…

Frida Kahlo reawakens our conscience in her latest dance showSound & Sense

Frida Kahlo reawakens our conscience in her latest dance show

64 years after her death, Frida Kahlo, the mythical Mexican artist, returns to captivate the public. The Spanish dance theatre…

Foody plans for a perfect FebruaryLIFE & STYLE

Foody plans for a perfect February

We know, you’re only a month into 2018 and trying to stick with your good intentions, but you deserve to…

A trip around the world in search of today’s most high-tech hotels

A trip around the world in search of today’s most high-tech hotels

New ‘high-tech’ hotels are offering a lot more than Wi-Fi Nowadays it’s highly unusual to find a hotel that doesn’t…

The most bike-friendly cities

The most bike-friendly cities

Tourism on two wheels can be heaven or hell. It all depends on the city. Some cities don’t seem to…

First edition of the Pasaia Maritime Festival in the Basque Country

First edition of the Pasaia Maritime Festival in the Basque Country

The festival will take place from May 17-21 in the Pasaia Bay, Guipúzcoa, and looks set to be one of…

Luxury travel doesn’t understand the crisisReborn2

Luxury travel doesn’t understand the crisis

We’ve all dreamt of winning the lottery at some stage, and more importantly what we’d do with the money. In…

The Harry Potter train opens for the season

The Harry Potter train opens for the season

Your final destination won’t be Hogwarts, nor will you have to head towards platform 9 and 3/4 to find it,…

SpaceX Falcon Heavy poised for debut test launch, with Tesla Roadster payloadHorse Power

SpaceX Falcon Heavy poised for debut test launch, with Tesla Roadster payload

A scarlet Tesla Roadster from the assembly line of Elon Musk’s pioneering electric automobile business is poised this week to…