Fly connected to satellite Wi-Fi: American Airlines

Fly connected to satellite Wi-Fi: American Airlines

No more eternal flights, boredom or never-ending conversations. American Airlines now offers satellite Wi-Fi to its passengers to ensure you’re…

Google partners with unwto on digital skills developmentInnovation

Google partners with unwto on digital skills development

Fostering knowledge, education and growth in tourism, is at the centre of a partnership announced between Google and the World Tourism Organization…

Branson’s Virgin Galactic takes another step toward space tourism

Branson’s Virgin Galactic takes another step toward space tourism

A Virgin Galactic rocket plane last Friday soared to the edge of space with a test passenger for the first…

Sustainability set to shape new standard of tourism statistics

Sustainability set to shape new standard of tourism statistics

The World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) initiative Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) received a boost last week when its working group met in Madrid (24-25 October).…

El festival #Imperdible_03 ofrece 40 experiencias sobre innovación en las ciudades

El festival #Imperdible_03 ofrece 40 experiencias sobre innovación en las ciudades

El festival #Imperdible_03 se celebrará los días 23 y 24 de noviembre en la Plaza de Colón y el Fernán…

Technology and innovation seen as a big boost to cultural tourism

Technology and innovation seen as a big boost to cultural tourism

Seeking to advance use of innovation and cutting-edge technologies into cultural tourism practices, destinations and products, the International Seminar on…

Technological advances in the tourism industry at the ITH Innovation Summit in MadridCool Tech

Technological advances in the tourism industry at the ITH Innovation Summit in Madrid

ITH Innovation Summit se celebra mañana en Madrid y se presenta como un evento de referencia en el sector hotelero…

Islanders in Kenya build recycled plastic boat to highlight pollutionInnovation

Islanders in Kenya build recycled plastic boat to highlight pollution

Kenyan islanders have built a boat made entirely of recycled plastic collected during clean-ups of the ocean to highlight the…

80% of virtual assistants will be robots in two yearsTourism Insight News

80% of virtual assistants will be robots in two years

When it comes to digital transformation tools, tourism is one of the leading sectors putting it into practice, with AI,…

German start-up trials solar car that can charge as you driveTourism Insight News

German start-up trials solar car that can charge as you drive

A Munich-based start-up has taken advantage of the strong Bavarian sun this summer to test the final development of the…